2/24th Items for sale

The items below may be purchased from the 2/24 Battalion Association.

Order and Payment methods

  1. Post a cheque or money order made out to '2/24 Battalion Association' to accompany the order to
    Mr R Nicholson - 2/24 Orders,
    34 Jamescott Drive,
    Drouin, Vic, 3818

  2. Electronic Orders - send an email (with details of order and recipient address) to

    orders@2-24.battalion.org.au (post a cheque or complete a bank transfer - see below)

    By bank transfer to: Account Name - 2/24th Battalion Association, Inc.

    Commonwealth Bank of Australia: BSB 063 450 Account No. 1001 3626

    Please include surname and the product you are purchasing in the details box when transferring electronically,
    and send a confirmation email to the above email address.

Note prices are inclusive of GST and include postage within Australia.


Official History of 2/24 Australian Infantry Battalion -- Members Price $48; Retail $54

Battalion History

Both Sides of the Hill - Everard Baillieu -- $10

The story of the capture of Company 621 German Radio Intercept at Tel el Eisa

Both Sides of the Hill

Shooting Through - Katrina Kittel -- $35

Shooting Through

Battalion Tie -- $25.00 each (association members only)

For purchase by 2/24 Association members only.

Battalion Tie

Not Available at Present: Lapel Badge [1.5cm wide] -- $10.00 each (association members only)

For purchase by 2/24 Association members only.

Temporarily Out of Stock [Oct 2021]

Lapel Badge

Please note: